Thursday, September 13, 2012

Jason Wu - S/S 2013 RTW Collection

Alright ladies and gentlemen, if you don't know Jason Wu by now, get online, and Google research him from the beginning.  He got his big break when he designed First Lady, Michelle Obama's Inaugural dress for the 2009 ceremony.  Wu has since taken the fashion industry by storm, and he is always, always a very much anticipated designer for both myself, and the fashion community each and every season.

I've covered Wu on Dire Fashion before, and he will surely be a reoccurring on DF in the future.

Check out some of his looks below from his S/S 2013 RTW Collection.  Wu has always had the great talent of knowing a woman's body, and knowing how to make her look elegant, but without all the fuss.

For all the women out there who can't afford his high-end collection pieces, look out for his new line, "Miss Wu," which will be a lower price point collection.

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