Sunday, June 12, 2011

Making Love to Mac

            So I've finally have bought the MacBook Air.  I've been talking about getting it all year, and when I went to Best Buy to pick up a wireless mouse for my PC, I said fuck it, and just got it.  I've been making disgusting and inappropriate love to my new Mac all night long.  I'm having a continual technological orgasm over here. I can see why people use this for the arts; the aesthetics of Macs are inspiring.  
           With that said, I hope to actually update regularly, now that I have something that makes it enjoyable. I'm also making this post so people know where I am when I'm M.I.A.: in my room on my Mac. 
           Even though the fall preview has been out for months, I hope to cover most of it this week.  Get ready for actual fashion posts! And leave comments! It gives my blog more buzz on search engines!

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